Monday, December 17, 2012

Disable The Desktop Cleanup Wizard

In Windows XP Pro, the Desktop Cleanup Wizard automatically runs every 60 days and tries to help the user in maintaining a clean and uncluttered desktop. If you have the Desktop the way you want it and don't want Windows messing with it, you can disable this annoying feature by following these steps:

1. Right click on an empty space on the desktop and select 'Properties'
2. Select the 'Desktop' tab then click on the 'Customize Desktop' button
3. At the bottom uncheck the box labeled 'Run Desktop Cleanup Wizard Every 60 Days'
4. Click 'OK' then 'OK' again to save changes

Clean The Temp Folder At Startup

Use can use a simple BAT file to clean out your Windows Temp folder every time you reboot your computer by opening Notepad and entering these lines into it:

rd %temp% /s /q
md %temp%   

Save the file to your Desktop as 'cleantemp.bat'. Now click on the Start button and go to Programs then right-click onStartup.
Select 'Open' to open the Startup folder then drag and drop the 'cleantemp.bat' file into this folder.

 Now every time you reboot your computer, Windows will automatically delete all the files in your Temp folder. You should not, however, use this file to clean out your Temp folder at shutdown as this could cause problems with a newly installed program that requires you to reboot your computer.