Saturday, April 30, 2011

Remove ShutDown Button

To remove the shutdown button from the logon screen in WinXP and 2K,

use regedit and navigate to the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system change

the value of the dword 'shutdownwithoutlogon' to '0'. exit regedit.

And restart your computer.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Search Engine Tricks

Search engine is a fabulous tool for find something on the internet. Do you know some unknown tricks about search engines to find your quarries faster. If your answer is not then read these tips.

1. Use + sign between letters if you want to search all the worlds.
Example: if you want to search computer tricks for internet then type it like this computer+tricks+for+internet
2. If you want to search exact match of some words then type these words in double quotation.
Example: "Indian history"

3. If you want to find detail of a site then follow this example.
if you want to find detail of then type this

I hope these tips make your search easy & faster.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

speed up of shutdown pc...

For speeding up your shutdown and reboot time in Windows XP, you need to edit some registry settings. Follow the steps as given below:

1. Go to Start then select Run

2. Type 'Regedit' and click ok

3. Find 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\'

4. Select 'WaitToKillAppTimeout'

5. Right click and select 'Modify'

6. Change the value to '1000'

7. Click 'OK'

8. Now select 'HungAppTimeout'

9. Right click and select 'Modify'

10. Change the value to '1000'

11. Click 'OK'

When you complete the above steps, you will find your Windows startup and shutdown faster than before.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Set Video as your Desktop Background using VLC !

open your vlc media player....if you don't have ..then first you have to download vlc media player...
then open vlc media player......and go to tools and click on the preferences...
on the preference window the video button on the left then looking for "output" on right side after click on the video button.....and click on output bar........and select directx video output..then save ...and close the vlc media player....
then reopen it.....
and play any video song or movie in vlc
then right click on vlc screen and go to video then select directx wallpaper....
now just minimize your vlc player and then enjoy your video or movie with wallpaper.....

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


1. On the hard disc C: create a new folder; in that folder add the files, that would like to hide and the picture. In this picture we will hide the files.

2.Select all files in that folder , right click and click add to archives…( we will have to use WinZip or WinRar), after this you will create .rar/.zip file

3. Open Command Prompt (cmd) (start->Run in Run option type cmd and click OK). In cmd type cd \ , then cd folder_name like ” cd hide” without the quotes.

Then type copy /b picture_name.jpg + file.rar new_ picture_name .jpg. It looks like this
“copy /b picture.jpg + hide.rar picture2.jpg”

4. After this you will find a new picture, select that picture, right click and go to open with, open picture with winrar or winzip and you will see hidden files

Protect Your Folder From Anyone..!!! (even Admin)

1) Go to "Folder Options" > "View" >

There is last option called "Use Simple File Sharing (Recommended)". Remove check from it.... then click "OK".

2) Go to the Properties from which you want to remove access.

3) Go to tab "Security". There are listed "User Names" who can access that folder as written under: "Group OR Usernames"

4) Now, Click on advanced >
remove Check from....
"Inherit from Parent the permissions entries that apply..................."
> Click "Remove."

5) Click OK.

Now, try to access that folder, you will not be able to access it....

Back to Normal:

1) Just Go to Property > Security > Advanced >
& check that option again of
"Inherit from Parent the permissions entries that apply..................."

2) Click OK. Now you should able to access your folder again..

OR you can also add your users only from Property > Security > Advanced > Add > Advanced > Find now > "Select User".....

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Folder Option Missing

folder option missing

Many of us sometimes find the folder options missing in windows explorer

. Here's the solution-->

Open Run and then type "gpedit.msc".

Now goto User configuration > Administrative templates > Windows Component > Windows Explorer.

Click on Windows Explorer you will find the 3rd option on the right side of screen "Removesthe Folder Option menu item from the Tools menu" Just check it, if it is not configured then change it to enable by double clicking on it and after applying again set it to not configured.

I hopes that you will find the option after restarting windows